Aesthetics + self-esteem + feminism + new regulations (and more)

Show notes

Dr. Sophie and Fiona discuss:

• The ‘male gaze’ in films and TV • Is it possible to be a feminist and have injectables? • The language of looking good [for your age] • Self esteem • Body dysmorphic disorder • The critical importance of a consultation • New attitudes to ageing • Saying no to a client • Managing clients’ expectations • Avoiding the overdone or ‘done’ look • Are aesthetic treatments too accessible? • A serious lack of UK regulations in aesthetics • Cheap packages that aren’t (always) safe • Does everyone want to look the same? • The role of social media and filters • Celebrities and surgery (their right to privacy?) • Robbie Williams • Affordability • People’s fear of injectables • Keeping treatments and tweakments a secret • Men and aesthetics • Body dysmorphic disorder (see below for support)

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Further reading and links are here:

An interesting blog from Dr Sophie:

Some of Dr Sophie’s work in campaigning for better care and regulations in aesthetics:

Robbie Williams article:

Read this before you book a cheap aesthetics deal:

An explainer on Leslie Ash:

Get help and support for body dysmorphic disorder (UK charity):

The content in this podcast is for general information purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace or substitute advice given by, or consultation with, your doctor or any other healthcare professional. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Dr Sophie Shotter, her company and any employees or representatives are not liable for any claims arising out of or in connection with this podcast.

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