All-things EYES (wrinkles / supp's / peri-meno + vision)

Show notes

Dr. Sophie and Fiona discuss:

• The cause(s) of crow's feet • Crow's feet and…the role of muscle relaxing injections • Crow's feet and…the role of poly nucleotides and / or fillers • Crow's feet and…what devices can achieve • The cause(s) of bags under the eyes • Bags under the eyes and…hyaluronic acid fillers • Bags under the eyes and…what devices can achieve • Bags under the eyes and…budget / at-home remedies • Bags under the eyes and…the role of sleep • The cause(s) of dark circles • Dark circles and… eye creams • Retinoid-based eye creams (and other actives) • Dark circles and make-up hacks • Dark circles and…laser treatments • Dark circles and…chemical peels • Eye surgery • The results Dr. Sophie sees in clinic • Face lifts (in relation to the eyes) • The causes of puffiness around the eyes • Puffiness and… budget / at-home remedies • Puffiness and…eye creams • Dr. Sophie’s eye cream regime (and product recommendations) • How we sleep / pillow hygiene • Sunken eyes (and when to contact a GP) • Sunken eyes and…fillers • The importance of eye tests • An anecdote on why they’re so critical / emergency laser treatment • Droopy eye brows / eye lids • Droopy brows and…blepharoplasty surgery • Droopy brows and… ultrasound (and DATA) • Droopy brows and…muscle relaxing injections • Droopy brows and…fillers • Thread lifts (and why care is needed) • ‘Spocking’ / heaviness after muscle relaxing injections • Why some people aren’t suited to muscle relaxing injections • How hormones impact the eyes (lots of examples + tips) • Perimenopause and the eyes (lots of info + tips) • x2 more anecdotes – floaters + a bang to the head (delayed eye impact) • Things you can do at home • Lymphatic drainage • How to use eye creams • Supplements – and data • Carrots and vitamin A • How to look after your eyes • Screen time / sunglasses / sleep

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This podcast was produced by

Dr Sophie and Fiona mention a few brands, ideas, studies and individuals – all the links are here (press ‘episode website’ for the full list):

Bobbi Brown has a range of colour correctors – match to your shade then apply concealer on top:

Dr. Sophie’s eye routine:

In the morning:

She alternates between


Then she’ll use on top of either of the above.

At night:

There are studies to say that sleeping on your back is better. If that feels uncomfortable, try a medical-grade pressure-release pillow, like the Envy pillow.

Dr. Sophie recommends:

In one study, Vitamin E has been shown to help reduce the onset of cataracts – read more here,membranes%20(12%2D15).

There have been several studies on some of the B Vitamins which have shown their benefit to eye health. Especially Vitamin B12, Vitamin B9 and Vitamin B6. These may play a role in conditions such as AMD (age-related macular degeneration), this was highlighted in the Women’s Antioxidant and Folic Acid Cardiovascular Study (WAFACS).

Thiamine (also known as Vitamin B1) has been shown to reduce and slow down the rate of developing cataracts.

Omega 3 oils have been shown to be effective in treating dry eyes by helping the natural production of a healthy tear film.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only dietary carotenoids found in the retina. According to a 2006 study, people who consume a diet that’s low in lutein and zeaxanthin may be at a higher risk for developing cataracts.

According to a 2016 study, lutein may help reduce dry eye symptoms.

Vitamin A - along with beta carotene - has been studied in relation to reducing the development of cataracts and AMD.

This is the brand Fiona uses (as recommended by her optician)

Dr Sophie mentioned this laser treatment

Studies show there’s been an increase in myopia in children since COVID. It’s thought this is because of increased screen time and children developing a focal plane that’s only close up. Read more:

The content in this podcast is for general information purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace or substitute advice given by, or consultation with, your doctor or any other healthcare professional. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Dr Sophie Shotter, her company and any employees or representatives are not liable for any claims arising out of or in connection with this podcast.

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