Hair loss | hair thinning | hair health

Show notes

Dr Sophie and Fiona discuss:

• What causes alopecia? • Genetic hair loss • The role of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) • The role of diet and medications • Over-processing / styling • Traction alopecia / braids • Dyson’s new range of dryers and straighteners • The role of hormones: childbirth, (peri)menopause, PCOS • The role of stress • Trichotillomania • Hair loss caused by auto immune disease • The work of Angela Christiano • JAK inhibitors • The role of the immune system • Isolated white patches of hair / trauma / shock • Gut health (see study info below) • COVID and hair loss • Hair re-growth after chemotherapy • Treatments – including… • Minoxidil • Finasteride • Laser therapy • Home LED devices • PRP • Stem cell therapy • The Trichotest (advanced DNA testing) • Blood tests to check for micronutrient deficiencies • The Keravive by HydraFacial • Hair transplants • Biotin • Viviscal Hair Growth Supplements • Do hair growth shampoos work? • How often should we wash our hair? • Scalp massage • Products available • Olaplex and lilial (what we know so far) • Dr Sophie’s favourite hair products and hairdresser

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Dr Sophie and Fiona mention a few brands, people, and studies – all the links are here (press ‘episode website’ for the full list):

The Manta hairbrush

Dyson’s range of products

Luke Hersheson’s products

Philip Kingsley’s Tricho 7 Scalp Drops

More on the work of Dr Angela here:,Dr.,But%20not%20all%20people.

There have been reports linking hair loss to dust mites, cytomegalovirus, or Epstein-Barr virus – and the role of the microbiome. Read more:

Dr Sophie offers:

The Trichotest (advanced DNA testing)

Calecim Professional stem cell therapy

Viviscal Hair Growth supplements (has around 10 published clinical studies)

She highly recommends in London – especially Jordan Favier

Dr Sophie recommends:

MONPURE’s Follicle Boost Hair Density Serum

The K18 hair range

Dr Sophie also mentions…

KeraHealth that uses a patented technology ingredient

Philip Kingsley's PK4 – a soya-based supplement

Nue Co's hair growth supplement

More on the Olaplex story here:

The content in this podcast is for general information purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace or substitute advice given by, or consultation with, your doctor or any other healthcare professional. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Dr Sophie Shotter, her company and any employees or representatives are not liable for any claims arising out of or in connection with this podcast.

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