Microneedling for beginners

Show notes

Dr Sophie and Fiona discuss:

• What is microneedling and how does it work? • Derma roller versus Skin Pen • What Victoria Beckham posted on socials • What can microneedling treat? • Does it hurt? • What’s the downtime like? • Do’s and Don’t’s post treatment • How soon can results be seen? • How to amplify the results with serums / PRP • Can you microneedle your body? • Microneedling and scarring / stretch marks • How often should we get it done? • Combining with other treatments • Who shouldn’t microneedle? • Dr Sophie’s thoughts on at home micro needling devices

Find out more by heading to https://drsophieshotter.com/

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This podcast was produced by https://thepodcastpeople.co/

Dr Sophie mentioned the Skin Pen’s FDA clearance as a de Novo technology.

She also mentioned combining microneedling with Profound RF or Morpheus 8.

The content in this podcast is for general information purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace or substitute advice given by, or consultation with, your doctor or any other healthcare professional. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Dr Sophie Shotter, her company and any employees or representatives are not liable for any claims arising out of or in connection with this podcast.

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