Dr. Sophie's collagen 101

Show notes

Dr Sophie and Fiona discuss:

• Collagen – a simple explainer • The different types of collagen • The real impact of collagen loss • How stress impacts collagen production (see links below) • What type of collagen should we use? • Dosage information and guidance • Brand recommendations • Hydrolysed collagen • Sources • Is vegan collagen a thing? • The role of vitamin C • Injectables • Other recommendations • Collagen banking • What you can do in-clinic • How long before you'll start seeing results? • When to take collagen • Can pregnant women take it? • Men and collagen • Face creams

Find out more by heading to https://drsophieshotter.com/

Follow Dr Sophie on Instagram… https://www.instagram.com/drsophieshotter/?hl=en …and Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@drsophieshotter?lang=en

This podcast was produced by https://thepodcastpeople.co/

Dr Sophie and Fiona mention a few brands, ideas, studies and individuals – all the links are here:

An independent study from 2019 that found collagen supplements do show promise in terms of improving skin elasticity and dermal collagen density > https://jddonline.com/articles/dermatology/S1545961619P0009X

More from Dr Sophie on collagen > https://www.getthegloss.com/beauty/collagen-supplements-how-to-know-your-collagen-burn-rate

Dr Sophie’s recommendations:






This is the collagen that’s only available through nutritionists (with a type 2) https://evernutri.com/products/omnicol%E2%84%A21-10-hydrolysed-collagen TO BUY, PLEASE USE THIS CODE: SophieSREvernutri

The content in this podcast is for general information purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace or substitute advice given by, or consultation with, your doctor or any other healthcare professional. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Dr Sophie Shotter, her company and any employees or representatives are not liable for any claims arising out of or in connection with this podcast.

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