The gut + the skin + the vaginal microbiome + cellular ageing

Show notes

Dr. Sophie and Fiona discuss:

• The connection between good gut health and skin • The skin’s microbiome – should we really be double cleansing? • The impact of skin treatments such as Roaccutane / antibiotics • Gut health and longevity / cellular ageing • Probiotics (the strains you need) • Candida… and IBS • Spore based / soil based probiotics • The vaginal microbiome • Prebiotics • Digestive enzymes • Eating bread • Taking probiotics while on antibiotics • Gut health testing / Zoe / the SIBO test • Acupuncture • Fasting, autophagy, mitophagy • The vagus nerve • Cold water therapy

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Dr Sophie and Fiona mention a few brands, ideas, studies and individuals – all the links are here:

Research linking gut dysbiosis to acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions.

Gut health and acne

Two thirds of our immune system lives in our gut

A study that indicates isotretinoin (another name for Roaccutane) has no significant (negative) impact on gut microbes

Research suggests the health of our gut microbiome largely determines how we will age and the diseases we will either acquire or avoid.


Re probiotics: the two main strains you want to look for are: lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. Within these two, there are a lot of different strains. < Dr. Sophie's recommendation

A healthy vaginal microbiome should be dominated by a good bacteria called lactobacilli, especially the species called lactobacillus crispatus. Some people say that Saccharomyces boulardii really helps candida – it’s a yeast that fights yeast but while it’s helpful for some, others don’t tolerate it well. Read more:,from%20the%20digestive%20tract2%20.

Fiona's acupuncturist: John Chadwick (Sidmouth, Devon):

An interesting listen:

SIBO testing is available in several places such as here:

Vagus nerve ear massage

The content in this podcast is for general information purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace or substitute advice given by, or consultation with, your doctor or any other healthcare professional. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Dr Sophie Shotter, her company and any employees or representatives are not liable for any claims arising out of or in connection with this podcast.

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