How to get the best night’s sleep of your life

Show notes

Dr. Sophie and Fiona discuss:

• New data on the link between poor sleep and poor health • What happened when the light bulb was invented • Bright light and the circadian rhythm • Burn-out / work / sleep deprivation • How much sleep we really need • Sleep deprivation and the skin / accelerated ageing • What is good sleep hygiene? • Caffeine • Alcohol • Evening exercise and cortisol • Body temp • Blue light / screen time / melatonin • Devices in the bedroom • Circadian rhythm • Night owls / morning larks • REM sleep • The Oura ring (+ Kim Kardashian + Gwyneth Paltrow on socials) • Sleep apps • Insight Timer’s sleep stories • Weighted blankets • Sunrise alarm clocks and other types of alarm • Sleep ear buds • Temp controlled mattresses • VR sleep head sets / Therabody Smart Goggles • Space masks • Sensate (+ the vagus nerve) • The Apollo wristband • Magnesium • CBD • Dreem Distillery • 5 HTP • Ashwagandha • The role of glycine • The availability of melatonin in the UK (versus the US) • Blue light / amber light / device use • The Dodow device • ASMR • Lofi ASMR • Coloured noises (white noise etc) • Nature / forest / rainfall sounds • Sleep and hormones • Progesterone • The DUTCH test • Silk pillowcases – and sleep lines / bed head • Napping – good for longevity • Dr. Sophie’s espresso nap hack! • Working night shifts • Jet lag • Black-out blinds • The Time shift app

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Dr Sophie and Fiona mention a few studies – all the links are here (press ‘episode website’ for the full list):

The link between good sleep and good health. Read more:,-January%2029%2C%202024&text=Sleeping%20too%20much%20or%20too,life%2C%20a%20new%20study%20suggests.

How much sleep do we really need? Read more:,happy%2C%20healthy%2C%20and%20sharp.

Napping and longevity. Read more:

The content in this podcast is for general information purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace or substitute advice given by, or consultation with, your doctor or any other healthcare professional. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Dr Sophie Shotter, her company and any employees or representatives are not liable for any claims arising out of or in connection with this podcast.

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